Love in the time of chaos: lovely scenes from twisted films

For the day that’s in it. As dependable as yer average rom-com might be, sometimes the most touching moments of romance spring from the most unlikely sources  –  here are four diamonds in rather rough films.     Disco Pigs – King and Queen Calm. Enda Walsh’s play-turned-film is a savage Cork-flavoured beast starring Cillian Murphy…

Soundtracking Perfection: He Needs Me, Punch Drunk Love

Maybe it’s because he’s so alone Maybe it’s because he’s never had a home Paul Thomas Anderson’s Punch Drunk Love is a strange little gem, wrapped in vibrant colour, lens flare and a pervading sense of discomfort and imbalance, searingly personified in Adam Sandler’s best performance (also featuring his best threat.) The woozy, weird atmosphere…